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die Bundesregierung in allen Fragen der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik berät. Die wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter der SWP …
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Indien ist seit den 1990er Jahren international aufgestiegen. Die wichtigsten Ursachen dieses Erfolgs waren die Wirtschaftsreformen seit 1991 und die neuen internationalen Konstellationen nach dem Ost-West-Konflikt. Beides verschaffte dem Land in globalen Fragen deutlich mehr Gewicht. Allerdings...
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India has risen internationally since the 1990s. The most important reasons for this success are its economic reforms since 1991 and new inter­national constellations since the East-West conflict. Both have earned the country a significantly greater say on global issues, but India’s rise is...
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Even though the six Western Balkan countries (WB6) have close political ties with the EU, their alignment with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) has in­creasingly come into focus since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. The EU should take a...
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Far-right parties are gaining support across Europe. Their level of participation in national governments is increasing, and they are expected to make further gains in the European Parliament elections in June 2024. As their influence over European Union (EU) policy rises, it is imperative to...
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Direct negotiations on a ceasefire in Russia's war against Ukraine broke down within just a few months. Today, Moscow and Kyiv are pursuing diplomatic initiatives in order to shape the international context of the war in their favour. Russia’s war diplomacy aims to weaken the "collective West"...
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The political debate over implementing qualified majority voting (QMV) into the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) is of high political relevance, especially given the shifting geopolitical landscape in Europe, including Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and uncertainties regarding...
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Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. won the Philippines’ presidential election by a land­slide on 9 May and was officially sworn in on 30 June. During the election cam­paign, Marcos Jr. - the son of Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr. who was ousted in 1986 - remained extremely vague when...
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Knapp zwei Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung der "Integrated Review" hat die britische Regierung ihre Sicherheitsstrategie aktualisiert. Diese 'Auffrischung' soll vor allem der schnell voranschreitenden Entwicklung zu einer umkämpften und zersplitterten Weltordnung Rechnung tragen. Ohne ein...
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