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Diversifying Germany's bilateral partnerships in the Indo-Pacific is one of the central goals of German policy. On the one hand, this diversification aims to reduce economic dependence on China, and on the other - in the context of systemic rivalry with authoritarian states - to bring about...
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South Korea has been late to embrace the concept of the Indo-Pacific. Its strategic approach developed from initial neglect to mere tactic acknowledgment and careful engagement under the Moon administration (2017–2022), to the now clear support for a distinct Indo-Pacific strategy under the...
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While the world’s attention is focused on Russia’s war against Ukraine and the inten­sifying conflict between the US and China, the security situation on the Korean Peninsula has continued to deteriorate. North Korea is steadily advancing the expansion of its military capabilities and...
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The de facto politically independent Taiwan is coming under increasing pressure from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and its claim to reunification. In addition to militarily threatening gestures, Beijing is employing economic and political means as well as cyberattacks and disinformation...
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While heated debates in Europe have focused on how to respond if Donald J. Trump is re-elected to the White House, discussions in Australia, Japan, and South Korea reveal a greater sense of confidence in Washington's commitments. The fear that the United States would withdraw its nuclear...
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The SDG Summit will take place on 18-19 September 2023 in New York. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called it the “centrepiece” of the UN’s work this year. Numerous reports for this year’s mid-term review of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs will lament the “lack of political...
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Indien ist seit den 1990er Jahren international aufgestiegen. Die wichtigsten Ursachen dieses Erfolgs waren die Wirtschaftsreformen seit 1991 und die neuen internationalen Konstellationen nach dem Ost-West-Konflikt. Beides verschaffte dem Land in globalen Fragen deutlich mehr Gewicht. Allerdings...
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India has risen internationally since the 1990s. The most important reasons for this success are its economic reforms since 1991 and new inter­national constellations since the East-West conflict. Both have earned the country a significantly greater say on global issues, but India’s rise is...
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