Showing 1 - 10 of 60
Russia’s war against Ukraine seems to have no immediate end in sight, the strategic competition between China and the …
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When it comes to being supplied with raw materials, Europe faces a number of chal­lenges. These include the diversification of European supply chains, the implementation of effective sustainability standards, and the reduction of strategic dependencies on China. What will European-Chinese raw...
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The recent political consensus on the European Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) marks a significant step towards a common raw materials policy within the European Union (EU). Against the backdrop of increasing geopolitical tensions, the EU aims to bolster its "strategic autonomy" within its raw...
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The European Union (EU) is aiming to strengthen its cooperation with like-minded countries to secure its supply of so-called critical raw materials. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen considers Canada a "perfect match" - a resource-rich and reliable partner that shares the EU’s...
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-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine langfristig ablehnen dürften, sollte die EU in Betracht ziehen, den Geltungsbereich ihrer Beistandsklausel …
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Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has fundamentally changed the terms of Russia-China economic relations …
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Russia's fullscale invasion of Ukraine since 24 February 2022 has not shaken France's security policy as fundamentally …
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No other bilateral relationship has comparable significance for the future of the international order as that between the United States and the People's Republic of China.Domestic political and social structural factors have a significant influence on the conflict behaviour of the two states....
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Russland verfolgt mit seinen nuklearen Drohgebärden im Krieg gegen die Ukraine eine dreigleisige Strategie. Erstens … versucht es eine westliche Intervention abzuschrecken, zweitens Unterstützung für die Ukraine zu verhindern und drittens …
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