Showing 1 - 10 of 91
global order. Without indicating a radical shift, the strategy specifies the British response to China and Russia and places …
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Surprise and jubilation in the United Nation Security Council (UNSC): 2028 begins with a bang. The permanent members of the body declare that they will voluntarily renounce their right of veto in cases of mass atrocities. This self-limitation, achieved after a long struggle, would have been...
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The outcome of the 28th UN Climate Change Conference shows that international co­operation remains possible despite today’s challenging geopolitical situation. Instead of the feared blockade, an agreement was reached for the first time - some three decades after the start of the COP process -...
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Angesichts der Gaskrise und der russischen Invasion der Ukraine ist der Markthochlauf von Wasserstoff noch dringlicher geworden für die europäische und die deutsche Energiepolitik. Die ehrgeizigen Ziele für grünen Wasserstoff stellen die Europäische Union (EU) und die junge...
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The promotion of public-private cooperation in resource-rich countries of the Global South can serve as a flanking measure that strengthens the impact of supply chain laws. The case of the South African mining sector in its struggle against Covid-19 shows that close cooperation between...
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On 1 February 2022, Amnesty International released a comprehensive report claiming that Israel is engaged in apartheid against the Palestinians and is thereby committing a crime against humanity. The Amnesty report is one in a series of publications by Palestinian, Israeli and international...
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Mittlere Mächte sind einflussreiche Akteure in der internationalen Politik. Auf den Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine oder auf den Gaza-Krieg reagierten gewichtige Staaten Lateinamerikas oder Afrikas - so Brasilien oder Südafrika - nicht im Einklang mit westlicher Politik. Die zwölf...
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Vom 22. bis zum 24. August 2023 wird in Johannesburg der 15. Gipfel der BRICS-Staaten (Brasilien, Russland, Indien …
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Russia wants to realise a high degree of self-regulated stability in the Arctic. Moscow considers this necessary for … well as neighbouring countries and NATO consider these efforts a threat. Russia takes a defensive attitude in the Arctic …, but it is prepared for rapid escalation in the event of confrontation. Russia's Arctic policy is a part of its strategy …
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