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We study a financial market adverse selection model where all agents are endowed with initial wealth and choose to invest as entrepreneurs or financiers, or not to invest. We show that often a lack of outside finance leads to the emergence of financial markets where availability of outside...
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We study the interaction between private and public funding of innovative projects in the presence of adverse-selection based financing constraints. Government programmes allocating direct subsidies are based on ex-ante screening of the subsidy applications. This selection scheme may yield...
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Many adverse selection models of standard one-period debt contracts are based on the following seemingly innocuous assumptions. First, entrepreneurs have private information about the quality of their return distributions. Second, return distributions are ordered by the monotone likelihood-ratio...
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speeding up the processing and settlement of payments. In a real-time environment banks face new challenges in liquidity … management. They need to plan for intraday as well as interday fluctuations in liquidity. By employing various types of hybrid … settlement structures, banks may be able to even out intraday fluctuations in liquidity demand. The aim of this study is to …
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difference between marginal and minimum price for liquidity, when the ECB reformed its op-erational framework for monetary policy …, that when the central bank applies a quantity oriented liquidity policy, a positive tender spread may result from money …, the allotment uncertainty is shown to be significantly related to the amount of liquidity supplied in each operation …
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We sketch a theoretical framework for comparing the properties of funded LOLR schemes. We construct an idealized lender of last resort and investigate how it formulates policy under alternative public and private governance structures. The alternatives are a (first-best) social utility maximizer...
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elements of payment and settlement systems (system structures, interdependencies, processing steps, liquidity consumption, cost …
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In this paper, I develop a model that addresses the links between banks’ liquidity outlook and their incentives to take … credit risk. Assuming that both bank-specific liquidity shocks and credit losses are necessary to provoke bank runs, the …-specific liquidity shock declines. This suggests that the benign liquidity outlook prevailing prior to the subprime crisis may have …
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effective in reducing queuing in the systems at all levels of liquidity, but in particular when intra-day liquidity is scarce. …
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We study the basic economic problem of choice between long-term and short-term commitments under a general characterization of uncertainty (aggregate uncertainty). When contingencies are contractible, a perfect market of Arrow-Debreau contingent claims implements the social optimum. When...
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