Showing 1 - 10 of 171
liquidity and market efficiency. The one-day program consisted of an opening speech, six presentations, including three keynotes …
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This paper tests for the presence of a credit channel (particularly a bank-lending sub-channel) for monetary policy in the housing market. We argue that the importance of this channel for investment in residential housing is highly dependent on the structural features, and particularly the...
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We study the rejection of the expectations hypothesis within a New Keynesian business cycle model. Earlier research has shown that the Lucas general equilibrium asset pricing model can account for neither sign nor magnitude of average risk premia in forward prices, and is unable to explain...
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A DSGE model with a Taylor rule is augmented with an evolutionary switching between technical and fundamental analyses in currency trade, where the fractions of these trading tools are determined within the model. Then, a shock hits the economy. As a result, chaotic dynamics and long swings may...
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This paper investigates the relationship between stock market fluctuations and monetary policy in a DSGE model for the US economy. We initially adopt a framework in which fluctuations in households’ financial wealth are allowed – but not required – to influence current consumption. This is...
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We study whether the mechanism design in the central bank liquidity auctions matters for the interbank money market … interest rate levels and volatility. Furthermore, we compare different mechanisms to sell liquidity in terms of revenue … valuations in the liquidity auctions. The model captures the relevant features of how the European Central Bank sells liquidity …
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The aim of this paper is to analyse the announcement effects on exchange rate movements using the basic asset pricing model, where currency trade is partly determined by technical trading in the form of moving averages since it is the most commonly used technique according to questionnaire...
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Building on Cecchetti and Li (2005), we show that the bank lending channel affects monetary policy trade-offs only when interest rates affect marginal costs of production (ie when there is a cost channel of monetary policy) in the New Keynesian monetary policy model. In our calibrated model the...
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This study discusses the effects of financial intermediation, banks’ moral hazard and monitoring on monetary policy … transmission in a simple model where borrowers are dependent on loans granted by banks with superior monitoring skills. As distinct … from the prior literature on monetary policy transmission, this study does not regard banks' deposit funding as a reason …
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