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This paper, which is motivated by the literature on international asset pricing and recent work on exchange rate determination, investigates dynamic relationshiops between major currency and equity markets. Using a multivariate GARCH framework, we examine conditional cross-autocorrelations...
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This paper examines what institutional and bank-specific factors determine bank stock price synchronicity. Using data on 37 countries from 1996–2007, we find that bank stocks are more aligned with the whole market (1) during the financial crisis; (2) in countries that have more credit provided...
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Using a novel proxy of investors’ speculative demand constructed from online search interest in “concept stocks”, we examine how speculative demand affects the returns and trading volume of Chinese stock indices. We find that returns and trading volume increase with the contemporaneous...
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political uncertainties. Our results might partly explain the sudden freeze and low liquidity in some financial markets during …
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We study the basic economic problem of choice between long-term and short-term commitments under a general characterization of uncertainty (aggregate uncertainty). When contingencies are contractible, a perfect market of Arrow-Debreau contingent claims implements the social optimum. When...
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liquidity and market efficiency. The one-day program consisted of an opening speech, six presentations, including three keynotes …
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In this paper, I develop a model that addresses the links between banks’ liquidity outlook and their incentives to take … credit risk. Assuming that both bank-specific liquidity shocks and credit losses are necessary to provoke bank runs, the …-specific liquidity shock declines. This suggests that the benign liquidity outlook prevailing prior to the subprime crisis may have …
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According to recent law and finance research, legislation is essential to financial development. More effi-cient financial markets would be achieved by reforming the laws governing investor protection and cor-porate governance systems. The Companies Act has traditionally played a very important...
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This study investigates the impact of new information on the volatility of exchange rates. The impact of scheduled US and European macroeconomic news on the volatility of USD/EUR 5-minute returns was tested by using the Flexible Fourier Form method. The results were consistent with earlier...
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In today’s global economy, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a core component of corporate strategy. Due in part to financial scandals, losses, and the diminished reputation of the affected listed companies, CRS is emerging as a crucial instrument for minimizing conflicts with...
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