Showing 1 - 10 of 22
This paper puts forward a method to estimate average economic growth, and its associated confidence bounds, which does not require a formal decision on potential unit root properties. The method is based on the analysis of either difference-stationary or trend-stationary time series models,...
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We estimate a dynamic asset pricing model characterized by heterogeneous boundedly rational agents. The fundamental value of the risky asset is publicly available to all agents, but they have different beliefs about the persistence of deviations of stock prices from the fundamental benchmark. An...
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A large set of 5350 trend following technica! trading rules is applied to LIFFE and CSCE cocoa futures prices, and to the Pound-Dollar exchange rate, in the period 1983:1-1997:6. We find that 72% of the trading rules generates positive profits, even when correcting for transaction and borrowing...
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In this paper we present a new three-step approach to the estimation of Generalized Orthogonal GARCH (GO-GARCH) models, as proposed by van der Weide (2002). The approach only requires (non-linear) least-squares methods in combination with univariate GARCH estimation, and as such is...
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It is generally believed that for the power of unit root tests, only the time span and not the observation frequency matters. In this paper we show that the observation frequency does matter when the high-frequency data display fat tails and volatility clustering, as is typically the case for...
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This paper considers tests for a unit root when the innovations follow a near- integrated GARCH process. We compare the asymptotic properties of the likelihood ratio statistic with that of the least-squares based Dickey-Fuller statistic. We first use asymptotics where the GARCH variance process...
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This paper provides a continuous record interpretation of the block local to unity asymptotics proposed recently by Phillips, Moon and Xiao (2001). It also demonstrates that in the case of homogeneous dynamics and a fixed number of blocks, the new asymptotic approximation coincides with the...
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This paper provides an extensive Monte-Carlo comparison of several contemporary cointegration tests. Apart from the familiar Gaussian based tests of Johansen, we also consider tests based on non-Gaussian quasi-likelihoods. Moreover, we compare the performance of these parametric tests with tests...
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The distribution of a functional of two correlated vector Brownian motions is approximated by a Gamma distribution. This functional represents the limiting distribution for cointegration tests with stationary exogenous regressors, but also for cointegration tests based on a non-Gaussian...
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Market share models for weekly store-level data are useful to understand competitive structures by delivering own and cross price elasticities. These models can however not be used to examine which brands lose share to which brands during a specific period of time. It is for this purpose that we...
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