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In this paper we analyze a large sample of individual responses to six lottery questions. We
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What determines remittances – altruism or enlightened self-interest - and do remittances trigger additional migration …. Results show, first, that one cannot clearly pinpoint altruistic or motives of self-interest since each country tells a …
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become networks of strategic collaboration and others don’t, we study link formation within European biopharmaceutical …
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I study a one-way flow connections model in which players are heterogeneous with respect to values and the costs of establishing a link. I first show that values and costs asymmetries are crucial in determining the level of connectedness of a network. Interestingly, unconnected equilibria are...
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into account the potential externalities networks produce. Once social ties are in place, these externalities shape the … norms are easily sustained in symmetric networks. By contrast, when an efficient interaction requires players to play …
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We analyze how the threat of a potential future regime shift affects optimal management. We use a simple general growth model to analyze four cases that involve combinations of stock collapse versus changes in system dynamics, and exogenous versus endogenous probabilities of regime shift. Prior...
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This paper examines the small world hypothesis. The first part of the paper presents empirical evidence on the evolution of a particular world: the world of journal publishing economists during the period 1970-2000. We find that in the 1970's the world of economics was a collection of islands....
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We forecast the term structure of U.S. Treasury zero-coupon bond yields by analyzing a range of models that have been used in the literature. We assess the relevance of parameter uncertainty by examining the added value of using Bayesian inference compared to frequentist estimation techniques,...
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Recent theoretical work shows that folk theorems can be developed for infinite overlapping generations games. Cooperation in such games can be sustained as a Nash equilibrium. Besides the efficient cooperative equilibrium there is also the inefficient non-cooperative equilibrium. This paper...
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Many networks such as the Internet have been found to possess scale-free and small-world network properties reflected … by so-called power law distributions. Scale-free properties evolve in large complex networks through self … therefore efficient. At the same time, this efficiency feature puts scale-free networks at risk for becoming disconnected or …
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