Showing 1 - 10 of 79
their performance in simulation experiments. This leads to a list of eight methodologic aspirations. Against their … background we criticize aspects of many simulation studies that have been used in the past to compare competing estimators for … dynamic panel data models. To illustrate particular pitfalls some further Monte Carlo results are produced, obtained from a …
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Panel Data model. We discuss issues involved when drawing Bayesian inference on regression parameters and variance …
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In this paper we use Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the impact of effect size heterogeneity on the results of a …
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Misspecifications and differences in operational definitions of elasticities in primary studies carry over to meta-analysis results. We show that the current practice of accounting for such primary study aber-rations in a meta-analysis by means of dummy variables goes a long way in mitigating...
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simulation error. The standard asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimators apply as a result. A Monte Carlo study is …
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We investigate changes in the time series characteristics of postwar U.S. inflation. In a model-based analysis the conditional mean of inflation is specified by a long memory autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average process and the conditional variance is modelled by a stochastic...
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We solve for the optimal portfolio allocation in a setting where both conditional correlation and the
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Total Factor Productivity (TFP)is often used on the macro-economic level as an indicator of changes in efficiency of a country. In many transition economies TFP is seen to have been negative the last decade of the plan economy and starts increasing and become positive after a (quite a) few years...
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Adaptive Polar Sampling (APS) is proposed as a Markov chain Monte Carlo method for Bayesian analysis of models with ill-behaved posterior distributions. In order to sample efficiently from such a distribution, a location-scale transformation and a transformation to polar coordinates are used....
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assumptions on the underlying statistical distributions, a variety of analytical methods and simulation-based methods are … distribution specifications or historical and Monte Carlo simulation methods. Although these approaches to overall VaR estimation … simulation context.<BR> This paper tries to fill this gap by investigating these VaR concepts in a general distribution …
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