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The aim of the paper is to obtain confidence intervals for the tail index and high quantiles taking into account the optimal rate of convergence of the estimator. The common approach to obtaining confidence intervals presented in the literature is to use the normal distribution approximation at...
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distribution. The second shows the relevance of the adaptive mixture procedure through the Bayesian estimation of a mixture of ARCH …
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This discussion paper resulted in an article in the <I>Journal of Macroeconomics</I> (2010). Volume 32(1), 169-184.<P> We investigate the importance of aggregate and consumer-specific or idiosyncratic labour income risk for aggregate consumption changes in the US over the period 1952-2001. Theoretically,...</p></i>
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frequentist and Bayesian estimation. No significant difference is found between the qualities of the forecasts of the whole … density, whereas the Bayesian approach exhibits significantly better left-tail forecast accuracy. …
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This note presents the R package bayesGARCH (Ardia, 2007) which provides functions for the Bayesian estimation of the …
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We use a subsample bootstrap method to get a consistent estimate of the asymptotically optimal choice of the …
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determined with a permutation procedure and a parametric bootstrap in the testsfor serial independence and linearity …
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Often socio-economic variables are measured on a discrete scale or rounded to protect confidentiality. Nevertheless, when exploring the effect of a relevant covariate on the whole outcome distribution of a discrete response variable, virtually all common quantile regression methods require the...
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A large number of exact inferential procedures in statistics and econometrics involve the sampling distribution of ratios of random variables. If the denominator variable is positive, then tail probabilities of the ratio can be expressed as those of a suitably defined difference of random...
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different bootstrap tests. In the context of static linear regression modelstwo of these are shown to have serious size and …
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