Showing 1 - 10 of 15
pseudo consistency of the parameter estimation under the existing parametric regression model), and is asymptotically normal …
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We study the problem of selecting the optimal functional form among a set of non-nested nonlinear mean functions for a semiparametric kernel based regression model. To this end we consider Rissanen's minimum description length (MDL) principle. We prove the consistency of the proposed MDL...
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This paper studies the interaction between job mobility and housing mobility by considering the duration of commutes … to the former. This implies that the duration of commutes that start with a job change is often short, because of a … findings in a formal model, we specify duration models that focus on the time during which employment-housing arrangements …
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multivariate duration models. <P>This discussion paper resulted in a publication in <A href …
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discussing the relative merits of the MHT and MPH models as complementary frameworks for econometric duration analysis. See also …
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duration models using difference-in-difference and regression discontinuity approaches, we find that for several groups of …
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In the early 1990s, the Dutch social partners agreed upon transforming the generous and actuarially unfair PAYG early retirement schemes into less generous and actuarially fair capital funded schemes. The starting dates of the transitional arrangements varied by industry sector. In this study,...
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This discussion paper resulted in a publication in the 'Regional Science and Urban Economics', 2013, 43, 507-520.<P> In housing markets with asymmetric information list prices may signal unobserved properties of the house or the seller. Asymmetric information is the starting point of many models...</p>
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duration analysis, viz. whenestimating the relationship between interest rates andfinancial market variables like equity or …
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paper focusses on measuring the interest rate risk of variable rate savings accounts on a value basis (duration) and on the …
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