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This discussion paper led to a publication in the <A HREF="">'Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization'</A>, 2009, 70(1-2), 374-388.<P> In this paper we analyze a large sample of individual responses to six lottery questions. Wederive a simultaneous estimate of risk aversion γ and the time preference discount...</p></a>
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There has been a long debate on equilibrium characterization in the negotiation model when players have different time preferences. We show that players behave quite differently under different time preferences than under common time preferences. Conventional analysis in this literature relies...
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See also 'Extreme equilibria in the negotiation model with different time preferences', <I>Games and Economic Behavior</I> (2011), Vol. 73, pp.507–516.<P> We study a bargaining model with a disagreement game between offers and counteroffers. In order to characterize the set of its subgame perfect...</p></i>
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income (wealth) does have a causal impact on health in adulthood is weak. But this may simply reflect the difficulty of …
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This discussion paper resulted in the publication 'Wealth and Health Behavior: Testing the Concept of a Health Cost … consumption. The health cost increases with wealth and the degree of unhealthiness, leading wealthier individuals to consume more … wealth groups. …
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Theory predicts that entrepreneurs have distinct attitudes towards risk and uncertainty, but empirical evidence is mixed. To better understand the unique behavioral characteristics of entrepreneurs and the causes of these mixed results, we perform a large ‘lab-in-the-field’ experiment...
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This study analyses the relation between perceived health status and intertemporal choice. We use data from experiments with real monetary rewards conduEted among students in South Africa to estimate risk and time preferences. These experimental data, based on muitiple price lists developed by...
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We analyze the simplest Condorcet cycle with three players and three alternatives within a strategic bargaining model with recognition probabilities and costless delay. Mixed consistent subgame perfect equilibria exist whenever the geometric mean of the agents' risk coefficients, ratios of...
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This discussion paper has led to a publication in the <I>Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization</I>, 2012, 83(3), 279-291.<P> We assess whether public sector employees have a stronger inclination to serve others and are more risk averse than employees in the private sector. A unique feature of our...</p></i>
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This paper points out the importance of Stochastic Dominance (SD) efficient sets being convex. We reviewclassic convexity and efficient set characterization results on SD efficiency of a given portfolio relative to adiversified set of assets and generalize them in the following aspects. First,...
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