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This discussion paper resulted in a publication in the <I>Siam Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (2011). Volume 32, issue 3, pages 665-684.<P> A sequence of real numbers (<I>x<sub>n</sub></I>) is Benford if the significands, i.e. the fractionparts in the floating-point representation of (<I>x<sub>n</sub></I>), are distributed...</i></i></p></i>
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To achieve sustainable economic growth in the transition countries,it is crucial that enterprise performance is improved. However, it isnot clear which factors are essential for this. On the basis of theempirical literature on potential determinants of enterpriseperformance in Russia, surveyed...
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Growth empirics with institutional measures is performed for 25 transition countries overthe period 1990-95. Estimation results suggest that (particularly state) institutions aresignificant for growth and, especially, foreign direct investment (FDI), the latter in turnbeing important for the...
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Russian agriculture in transition (1991-1998) was characterised by a production collapse due to aloss in quality and quantity of acreage, disinvestments, falling purchasingpower, and increasedimports. Neither traditional agriculture nor the nascent family farm sector havebeen able to ensure...
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To achieve sustainable economic growth in transition countries, it is crucial that enterpriseperformance is improved. However, it is not a priori clear which factors are essential for this. ForRussia, data to investigate the potential determinants of enterprise performance is scarce.Therefore,...
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The 1997 collapse of the Albanian economy caused by the collapse of economy-widePonzi schemes contrasts sharply to itssuccess status as a post-socialist transition country in the years 1992-1996. Inthis paper, an attempt is made to explain this'Albanian Paradox'. The specific Albanian conditions...
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Most of the available monthly interest data series consist of monthlyaverages of daily observations. It is well-known that this averaging introduces spurious autocorrelation effectsin the first differences of the series. It isexactly this differenced series we are interested in when...
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The topic of convergence is at the heart of a wide-ranging debate in the growth literature. Empirical studies of convergence differ widely in their theoretical backgrounds, empirical specifications and in their treatment of cross-sectional heterogeneity. Despite these differences, a rate of...
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This discussion paper led to a publication in <A href="">(D.W. Jorgenson, J.S. Landefeld, W.D. Nordhaus, eds.) 'A New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts', NBER Studies in Income and Wealth</A>, vol. 66, 309-54, University of Chicago Press, 2006.<P>The purpose of this paper is to build consistent,...</p></a>
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This discussion paper resulted in an article in the <I>Annals of Regional Science</I> (2012). Volume 48, issue 2(SI), pages 501-527.<P> This paper addresses the performance of creative firms from the perspective of complex spatial systems. Based on an extensive high-dimensional database on both the...</p></i>
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