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One of the most widely-used multivariate conditional volatility models is the dynamic conditional correlation (or DCC …
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The three most popular univariate conditional volatility models are the generalized autoregressive conditional … models are important in estimating and forecasting volatility, as well as capturing asymmetry, which is the different effects … on conditional volatility of positive and negative effects of equal magnitude, and leverage, which is the negative …
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Of the two most widely estimated univariate asymmetric conditional volatility models, the exponential GARCH (or EGARCH …) specification can capture asymmetry, which refers to the different effects on conditional volatility of positive and negative … shocks to volatility. However, the statistical properties of the (quasi-) maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) of the EGARCH …
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Of the two most widely estimated univariate asymmetric conditional volatility models, the exponential GARCH (or EGARCH …) specification can capture asymmetry, which refers to the different effects on conditional volatility of positive and negative … shocks to volatility. However, the statistical properties of the (quasi-) maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) of the EGARCH …
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One of the most popular univariate asymmetric conditional volatility models is the exponential GARCH (or EGARCH …) specification. In addition to asymmetry, which captures the different effects on conditional volatility of positive and negative … subsequent shocks to volatility. However, there are as yet no statistical properties available for the (quasi-)maximum likelihood …
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We analyze the impact of the estimation frequency - updating parameter estimates on a daily, weekly, monthly or …
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volatility. The endogenous structural breakpoint unit root test, ARDL model, and alternative volatility models, including GARCH … the volatility of global fertilizer prices and crude oil price from March to December 2008 are higher than in other …
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This discussion paper led to a publication in the <I>Electronic Journal of Statistics</I> (2014). Vol. 8, pages 1088-1112.<P> We characterize the dynamic properties of Generalized Autoregressive Score (GAS) processes by identifying regions of the parameter space that imply stationarity and ergodicity. We...</p></i>
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Although the main interest in the modelling of electricity prices is often on volatility aspects, we argue that … towards volatility features of the time series.For the older electricity market of Nord Pool in Norway, it is found that a …
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Patton and Timmermann (2012, 'Forecast Rationality Tests Based on Multi-Horizon Bounds', <I>Journal of Business & Economic Statistics</I>, 30(1) 1-17) propose a set of useful tests for forecast rationality or optimality under squared error loss, including an easily implemented test based on a...</i>
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