Showing 1 - 10 of 26
Este artículo busca medir el crecimiento de la productividad multifactorial o productividad de factor total (PFT) en Corea sin tener en cuenta las diferencias en la calidad en el factor trabajo. Por lo tanto, asumiendo que la teoría del crecimiento endógeno de Lucas es correcta, la medida de...
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Practitioners of development accounting assume that the private return on schooling equals its social marginal product. I show that this assumption is inconsistent with the mathematical structure of a multiplicative production function, which specifies that the private return is only a fraction...
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The economics literature identifies three effects of schooling on national income; the direct effect on the earnings of the workers who receive the schooling and the external effects on workers´ earnings and on physical capital due to schooling´s spillover effect on the productivity of these...
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Este trabajo analiza el impacto del boom minero-energético experimentado por la economía colombiana en el período 2004-2012 sobre la tasa de cambio real y la participación de los sectores manufacturero e industrial. Para ello se introduce el concepto de “Enfermedad holandesa extendida”,...
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In this study, we estimate the impact of the 2004-2012 energy and mining boom on the real effective exchange rate in Colombia and the sectoral composition of its economy. To this end, we introduce the new “extended Dutch Disease” concept, according to which a currency appreciation may not...
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The current paper analyzes the importance and potentials of the tourism sector for economic development. It is divided into four major parts. After a short introduction, section two presents some theoretical insights into the topic of economic development. Commenting on the most relevant...
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En el artículo se pretende demostrar como el estado colombiano se inserta dentro de nuevos sistemas de poder en el que la pluralidad de las fuentes de autoridad lo han obligado a asumir escenarios de "soberanía compartida", propios de la política mundial actual. Para esto se tiene como...
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I estimate a Solow model augmented with human capital in 42 countries for 1910-2000. Estimated TFP growth is 0.3%/year, and the steady-state rate for GDP/capita is 1.0%/year. Implicitly for high-income countries maintaining growth above this rate will be increasingly difficult.
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Using a new data set for human capital/adult, I show that changes in human capital cause economic growth in 56 countries over the 1985 to 2005 period. I show that these results are superior to results using average schooling attainment.
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La incertidumbre bajo periodos de inestabilidad institucional, traducida en violencia, puede destruir las dotaciones de capital físico y humano de la economía y, desestimular la inversión. En este trabajo se analiza el impacto de largo plazo de la violencia en el crecimiento económico de...
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