Showing 1 - 10 of 19
La littérature académique comptable sur le thème du genre est encore peu développée dans le contexte français. Cet article s’inscrit dans ce courant théorique et a pour objectif de répondre à la question de recherche suivante : le comportement du commissaire aux comptes face à la...
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Quel est le pouvoir des normes et des discours ? Dans quelle mesure des mots, des techniques, des pratiques sociales influencent-ils et délimitent-ils nos possibilités d'action, nos conceptions du monde, des autres et de nous-mêmes ? S'inspirant des travaux de Gramsci (Levy et Evan, 2003),...
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Based on ten months of field research in a high technology start-up, and using ethnographic and grounded theory methodologies, this study identifies six basic narrative types (founding, visionary, marketing, strategy, historical, and conventional) in three main categories (personal, generic, and...
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Entrepreneurship (CE), entrepreneurship within existing organizations, is a source of innovation and performance for businesses (Miller …
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We provide a theory for career choices of employees willing to become entrepreneurs and facing credit constraints. We show that they need a sufficient mix of reputation and financial capital. We consider their choice to work for transparent or opaque firms. Transparent firms disclose more...
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We analyze the role of professional reputation in the transition to entrepreneurial activity when credit is rationed. We study an employee's willingness to allow the market to learn information about talent by choosing more or less informative projects. This choice impacts the employee's...
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