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Ever since the seminal work of Stigler (1962), economists have recognized that information in markets is costly to acquire and can lead to “search frictionsâ€. The remarkable growth in online search has substantially lowered the cost of information acquisition. Despite this, there is...
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Il est largement prouvé que les travailleurs déplacés possédant une longue ancienneté professionnelle ont souvent des difficultés à retrouver un nouvel emploi et subissent en général une baisse de gains lorsqu'ils en trouvent un. Pour ceux ayant une très longue ancienneté, les pertes...
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It is well-documented that workers displaced from long-tenure jobs tend to have difficulty finding new employment, and face even greater difficulty finding a job without suffering a substantial loss in earnings. Workers with significant prior tenure typically undergo substantial earnings losses,...
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Selon de nombreuses recherches, il semble que les immigrants plus qualifiés, en particulier dans les domaines des sciences, de la technologie, de l’ingénierie et des mathématiques, sont non seulement plus innovateurs que leurs collègues nés au pays qui les a reçus, mais qu’ils ont...
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A growing body of research suggests that skilled immigrants, particularly those in the “STEM†fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), are not only more innovative than their native-born counterparts but also have the potential to produce positive productivity...
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L’inégalité des revenus s’est considérablement accrue depuis les années 1980, la part des revenus du 1 % le plus riche augmentant de 27 % entre 1980 et 2005. Alors que cet écart croissant entre les riches et les pauvres est inquiétant, les membres affiliés du RCCMTC Abigail Payne...
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Income inequality has risen significantly since the 1980s, with the share of income among the top 1% increasing by 27% between 1980 and 2005. While the widening gap between the rich and poor is concerning, CLSRN affiliates Abigail Payne (McMaster University) and Justin Smith (Wilfrid Laurier...
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Do households react to changes in the distribution of income in their localities by changing their charitable giving? The theoretical prediction of the effects of income inequality on giving is unclear. We study how changes in income inequality measured at the neighbourhood and municipality...
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We compare literacy test scores and relative wage and employment outcomes of Australian, Canadian and U.S. immigrants using the 2003/2006 Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey (ALLS). We find substantially higher immigrant skill levels at the lower end of the distribution in Australia,...
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Research comparing the labour market performance of recent cohorts of immigrants to Australia and Canada points to superior employment and earnings outcomes in Australia. Examining Australian and Canadian Census data between 1986 and 2006, we find that this performance advantage is not driven by...
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