Showing 1 - 10 of 71
Examples of educational mismatch and overqualifcation in the labour market can often be found in the same office building – the clerical worker with a bachelor’s degree reporting to a manager with a high school education – as an example. Some have argued that mismatch in...
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Des exemples d’inégalité en éducation et de surqualification sur le marché du travail peuvent souvent se produire dans le même bâtiment administratif, comme par exemple un employé de bureau ayant un diplôme d’études supérieures et qui doit rendre compte à un supérieur n’ayant...
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This paper shows that changes in the skill requirements of jobs are one way by which economic downturns affect job match quality. In doing so this paper makes two contributions to the literature. The first contribution is to document a stylized fact about the cyclicality of skill requirements...
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Wage disparity can be driven by a number of different factors. Previous research has found evidence that disadvantaged workers often face a “glass ceilingâ€: a barrier that limits access to high-wage jobs. Because of data limitations, however, researchers have not been able to...
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La disparité salariale peut être causée par plusieurs facteurs. La recherche précédente a apporté des preuves que les travailleurs défavorisés butaient souvent sur un «plafond de verre», une barrière limitant l’accès aux emplois bien rémunérés. En raison du manque de...
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The literature has not yet resolved whether the effect of macroeconomic fluctuations on training decisions is positive or negative. On the one hand, the opportunity cost to train is lower during downturns, and thus training should be counter-cyclical. On the other hand, a positive shock may be...
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This paper examines the evolution of the returns to human capital in Canada over the period 1980-2006. Most of the analysis is based on Census data, and on weekly wage and salary earnings of full-time workers. Our main finding is that the returns to education increased substantially for Canadian...
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We utilize the 2000 cohort of university graduates from the National Graduate Survey (NGS) to estimate the extent to which the choice of field of study is influenced by expected returns to those fields of study. The expected returns are based on earnings equations estimated from the earlier 1990...
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Le Supplément de revenu garanti (SRG) a largement contribué à la réduction de la pauvreté des personnes âgées au Canada, mais les futurs bénéficiaires du SRG atteignant leurs 64 ans devraient penser à deux fois avant de continuer de cotiser à un REER. Souvent, la meilleure solution...
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The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) has contributed significantly to the reduction of senior poverty in Canada, but prospective GIS recipients should think twice at age 64 about making an RRSP contribution. In many cases, the best move may even be withdrawing the whole RRSP. This is because...
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