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Wage disparity can be driven by a number of different factors. Previous research has found evidence that disadvantaged workers often face a “glass ceilingâ€: a barrier that limits access to high-wage jobs. Because of data limitations, however, researchers have not been able to...
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La disparité salariale peut être causée par plusieurs facteurs. La recherche précédente a apporté des preuves que les travailleurs défavorisés butaient souvent sur un «plafond de verre», une barrière limitant l’accès aux emplois bien rémunérés. En raison du manque de...
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This paper proposes a new framework to empirically assess the effects of the minimum wage in a developing country. This approach allows us to jointly estimate the effects of the minimum wage on unemployment, average wages, sector mobility, wage inequality, the size of the informal sector and on...
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This paper uses the Canadian Labour Force Survey to understand why the level and dispersion of wages have evolved differently across provinces from 1997 to 2013. The starker interprovincial differences are the much faster increase in the level of wages and decline in wage dispersion in...
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While proponents argue that minimum wage laws are essential in improving social welfare and economic well-being, implementation of minimum wage laws can also be associated with increased unemployment and the movement of workers into the informal sector where worker protection and workplace...
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Des exemples d’inégalité en éducation et de surqualification sur le marché du travail peuvent souvent se produire dans le même bâtiment administratif, comme par exemple un employé de bureau ayant un diplôme d’études supérieures et qui doit rendre compte à un supérieur n’ayant...
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This paper shows that changes in the skill requirements of jobs are one way by which economic downturns affect job match quality. In doing so this paper makes two contributions to the literature. The first contribution is to document a stylized fact about the cyclicality of skill requirements...
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Examples of educational mismatch and overqualifcation in the labour market can often be found in the same office building – the clerical worker with a bachelor’s degree reporting to a manager with a high school education – as an example. Some have argued that mismatch in...
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This study uses longitudinal IMDB micro data to document the annual earnings outcomes of Canadian immigrants in four major admission categories (skill-assessed independent economic principal applicants, accompanying economic immigrants, family class immigrants, and refugees) and three annual...
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Higher income neighbourhoods in Canada’s eight largest cities flourished economically during the past quarter century, while lower income communities stagnated. This paper identifies some of the underlying processes that led to this outcome. Increasing family income inequality drove much...
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