Showing 1 - 10 of 46
This paper explores the fertility patterns of immigrant children to Canada using the 20 percent sample of the Canadian Census from 1991 through 2006. Fertility increases with age at immigration, with a sharp rise for those immigrating in their late teens and this pattern is similar for all...
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The mobility of immigrants’ earnings and their experience in getting ahead in the Canadian labour market are reflection of the general state of economic opportunity in Canada. High or increasing degrees of upward mobility of earnings may indicate increasing opportunities for economic...
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La mobilité des rémunérations des immigrants et l’expérience de leur progression sur le marché du travail canadien sont le reflet de l’état général des possibilités économiques au Canada. Des niveaux élevés ou en hausse de la mobilité croissante des revenus peuvent indiquer une...
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In this paper we examine the fertility experience of immigrants during their first years in Canada. Fertility decisions at the time of arrival may be crucial in determining immigrants’ economic assimilation into the new country, as households with infants usually face large expenses and...
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We develop a model of the labor market where firms incur an adjustment cost when one of their workers quits, and males and females form households assortatively by skill. We show how this environment can lead to an economy where females earn less and drop out more frequently than equally skilled...
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This paper studies implicit pricing of non-wage job characteristics in the labour market using a two-sided matching model. It departs from the previous literature by allowing worker heterogeneity in productivity, which gives rise to a double transaction problem in a hedonic model. Deriving...
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Though individuals prefer to join groups with high quality peers, there are also advantages from being high up in the pecking order within a group. We show that sorting of agents in this environment results in an overlapping interval structure in the type space. Segregation and mixing coexist in...
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Two sides of a finite marriage market engage in costly investment and are then matched assortatively. The purpose of the investment is solely to improve the quality of the match that trader can attain in the second stage. The paper studies the limits of equilibrium of these finite matching games...
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The paper proves existence of equilibrium in a fairly general version of the pre-marital investment game. The game has discontinuous payoffs, so the method of Reny (1999) is used. Three assumptions are imposed on the matching process that occurs after investments are realized. It must be...
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We study the steady-state of a market with inflowing cohorts of buyers and sellers who are randomly matched pairwise and bargain under private information. Two bargaining protocols are considered: take-it-or-leave-it offering and the double auction. There are frictions due to costly search and...
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