Showing 1 - 10 of 81
We investigate whether immigrant and minority workers’ poor access to high-wage jobs— that is, glass ceilings— is attributable to poor access to jobs in high-wage …rms, a phenomenon we call glass doors. Our analysis uses linked employer-employee data to measure mean- and...
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We compare the economic outcomes of former Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs) and former international students to immigrants who have no Canadian human capital at the time of landing. First, controlling for all possible variables that are adjustable under the current Canadian points system, we...
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We show that the reported tendency for performance pay to be associated with greater wage inequality at the top of the earnings distribution applies only to white workers. This results in the white-black wage differential among those in performance pay jobs growing over the earnings distribution...
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Le fait de ne parler ni anglais ni français constitue souvent un obstacle important pour un emploi et un revenu rémunérateurs au Canada et, selon une étude intitulée « Effets de la proximité linguistique sur l’assimilation professionnelle des immigrants hommes » (Rapport de...
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While not speaking either English or French is widely understood to be a serious barrier to employment and gainful remuneration in Canada, a study entitled “The effect of linguistic proximity on the occupational assimilation of immigrant men†(CLSRN Working Paper no. 144) by Alicia...
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The mobility of immigrants’ earnings and their experience in getting ahead in the Canadian labour market are reflection of the general state of economic opportunity in Canada. High or increasing degrees of upward mobility of earnings may indicate increasing opportunities for economic...
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The earnings and occupational task requirements of immigrants to Canada are analyzed. The growing education levels of immigrants in the 1990s have not led to a large improvement in earnings as one might expect if growing computerization was leading to a rising return to non-routine cognitive...
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La mobilité des rémunérations des immigrants et l’expérience de leur progression sur le marché du travail canadien sont le reflet de l’état général des possibilités économiques au Canada. Des niveaux élevés ou en hausse de la mobilité croissante des revenus peuvent indiquer une...
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Wage disparity can be driven by a number of different factors. Previous research has found evidence that disadvantaged workers often face a “glass ceilingâ€: a barrier that limits access to high-wage jobs. Because of data limitations, however, researchers have not been able to...
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La disparité salariale peut être causée par plusieurs facteurs. La recherche précédente a apporté des preuves que les travailleurs défavorisés butaient souvent sur un «plafond de verre», une barrière limitant l’accès aux emplois bien rémunérés. En raison du manque de...
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