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Firms communicate product quality attributes to consumers through a variety of channels, such as pricing, advertising … such communication is that it takes on one of two alternative forms when quality is exogenous: 1) disclosure of quality … through a credible direct claim; 2) signaling of quality via producer actions that influence buyersÕ beliefs about quality. In …
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In a North-South vertically differentiated duopoly, we derive equilibrium government policies towards parallel imports (PIs). By incorporating strategic interaction at the policy-setting stage and the product market, the model sheds new light on (i) the effects of PI policies on pricing behavior...
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Motivated by existing multilateral rules regarding intellectual property, we develop a North-South model to highlight the dual roles price controls and compulsory licensing play in determining Southern access to a patented Northern product. The Northern patent-holder chooses whether and how to...
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In this paper we examine the behavior of a firm that produces a product with a privately-observed safety attribute; that is, consumers cannot observe directly the product�s safety. The firm may, at a cost, disclose its safety prior to sale; alternatively, if a firm does not disclose its...
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How does the need to signal quality through price affect equilibrium pricing and profits, when a firm faces a similarly … private information about its own product's quality. We characterize a symmetric separating equilibrium in which each firm …'s price reveals its respective product quality. We focus mainly on a model in which the quality attribute is safety (so that …
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vertical quality (e.g., consumer satisfaction) that is signaled via price softens price competition, and that imperfect … do). We show that low-quality firms always prefer playing the incomplete information game to the full-information analog …: their prices are higher and so are their profits. Moreover, for "high-value" markets, if the proportion of high-quality …
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Motivated by existing multilateral rules regarding intellectual property, we develop a North-South model to highlight the dual roles price controls and compulsory licensing play in determining Southern access to a patented Northern product. The Northern patent-holder chooses whether and how to...
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Motivated by existing multilateral rules regarding intellectual property, we develop a North-South model to highlight the dual roles price controls and compulsory licensing play in determining Southern access to a patented Northern product. The Northern patent-holder chooses whether and how to...
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