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how well-intentioned public policy may contribute to disease instability and uncertainty. …
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The present study investigates the state of health of the older adults in India from a socioeconomic and cultural perspective. It is based on a countrywide representative sample of 29420 older adults, which was collected as a part of the 60th round of the National Sample Survey in 2004. The...
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household also affects disease prevalence among the male populations. The amount of land possessed by a household affects the … disease prevalence among rural OA only. In the case of disabilities, age and economic dependency of the OAs have significant …
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What explains poverty of Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia? One view holds the disease environment of these regions as … economic performance of countries. Disease does not play a significant role in determining outcomes. On the contrary, we find … support for the indirect effect of disease via institutions, as asserted by the 'institutions school'. Interestingly, the …
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What explains poverty of Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia? One view holds the disease environment of these regions as … economic performance of countries. Disease does not play a significant role in determining outcomes. On the contrary, we find … support for the indirect effect of disease via institutions, as asserted by the 'institutions school'. Interestingly, the …
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The essay proposes an alternative understanding of social policy, focussing on social quality and as such bringing together biographical and societal development and as well institutional and communal concerns. On this basis the author proposes a definition of precarity that goes far beyond...
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Obywatelskie nieuczestnictwo w życiu publicznym należy do najważniejszych problemów współczesnej Polski. Zjawisko to czyni wszystkie poko-lenia równymi, a przeciwstawienie się mu wymaga przełamania barier integracji międzypokoleniowej. Niniejsze opracowanie wskazuje, iż dążenie do...
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Ocena obecności ludzi starych w społeczeństwie zależy od tempa rozwoju technologicznego i gospodarczego. Szybkie zmiany sprzyjają dyskryminacji ze względu na wiek oraz przyczyniają się do niedostrzegania jednostkowych i zbiorowych korzyści płynących ze wzrostu długości życia...
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The institute of social responsibility is considered as mandatory addition of market and state institutes, since it reduces the transaction costs of the socio-economic system by eliminating discrimination in the relations. One of the most important missions of the state is the formation and...
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The expansion and the rooting of non European immigrants which is taking place in the more advanced European countries, mirror a world context which is marked by imbalances both in terms of growth and welfare. A correct analysis of migration, of its structural characteristics and of the new...
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