Showing 1 - 10 of 62
We develop a general equilibrium model of residential choice and study the effects of two housing aid policies, public housing units and housing vouchers. Land is differentiated by both residential accessibility and local public goods, and the provision levels of local public goods are...
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The paper's aim is to present an overview on the PRS in Romania, emphasizing the main characteristics and the nature of PRS evolution after 1989. The past 20 years reveal some key-changes that occurred in the socio-economic and political life of the country and we have explored them as factors...
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The essay proposes an alternative understanding of social policy, focussing on social quality and as such bringing together biographical and societal development and as well institutional and communal concerns. On this basis the author proposes a definition of precarity that goes far beyond...
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Obywatelskie nieuczestnictwo w życiu publicznym należy do najważniejszych problemów współczesnej Polski. Zjawisko to czyni wszystkie poko-lenia równymi, a przeciwstawienie się mu wymaga przełamania barier integracji międzypokoleniowej. Niniejsze opracowanie wskazuje, iż dążenie do...
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Ocena obecności ludzi starych w społeczeństwie zależy od tempa rozwoju technologicznego i gospodarczego. Szybkie zmiany sprzyjają dyskryminacji ze względu na wiek oraz przyczyniają się do niedostrzegania jednostkowych i zbiorowych korzyści płynących ze wzrostu długości życia...
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The institute of social responsibility is considered as mandatory addition of market and state institutes, since it reduces the transaction costs of the socio-economic system by eliminating discrimination in the relations. One of the most important missions of the state is the formation and...
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This essay explores the relationship between political regime and critical economic outcomes such as economic growth and poverty reduction. The organization of the paper is as follows. Section 2 makes a brief review of the economic performance of developing Asian economies over the last four...
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This paper empirically investigates the impact of Chile’s social protection’s monetary subsidies on vulnerability to poverty during 1996-2006. Using the National Socioeconomic Characterization panel survey data, we adopt the Chaudhuri et al. (2002) method to estimate vulnerability. Since...
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To increase the opportunities for poor ethnic minorities to benefit from economic growth the government of Vietnam implemented one of the biggest poverty reduction programs entitled ‘Socio-economic Development for the Communes Facing Greatest Hardships in the Ethnic Minority and Mountainous...
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To increase the opportunities for poor ethnic minorities to benefit from economic growth the government of Vietnam implemented one of the biggest poverty reduction programs entitled ‘Socio-economic Development for the Communes Facing Greatest Hardships in the Ethnic Minority and Mountainous...
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