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The aim of the final thesis is to establish the main marketing strategies of „Limarko Maritime Agency“. The theoretical … part is devoted to the analysis of the main marketing strategies, the characteristics of business-to-business marketing and …
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This term paper is about marketing changes during recession. The research consists of three parts. In the first part … the theory analysis was made. The concept of marketing and changes in marketing process during recession suggested by … performance of Lithuanian companies and their marketing activity was made. It was analysed, which marketing instruments they …
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company has not strong marketing. The competition on this market segment is rather strong. As every company, aimed to success …The marketing literature identifies a number of alternative marketing approaches. A cursory review of marketing … textbooks reveals typical issues faced by small businesses, the main differences between classical marketing and entrepreneurial …
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parenkama organizacijos strategija, analizuojant įmonės vidinę ir išorinę aplinką, atsižvelgiant į jos galimybes, stipriąsias ir … tinkančią strategiją. Diplominį darbą sudaro 3 pagrindinės dalys. Pirmoje darbo dalyje atlikta strateginio valdymo teorinė …’s strategy is selected, analyzing company’s internal and external environment, taking into consideration its possibilities …
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teorišką strategiją iš būsimo įmonės veiksmo. Pirma dalis duoda teorišką analizę pagal mokslinį metodą strateginio verslo … turto" įmonės, strategija jos verslininkystės metais 2009-2014, ir teoriški jos įsisąmoninimo aspektai. Šio darbo tikrovė … this work is to analyze the perspectives in actual business and to make theoretical strategy of future activities of the …
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quality of customer service. The author recommends choosing the strategy based on the market, but it is also recommended to … „praktiškos vaistinės“ įvaizdžio strategiją ir suteikti galimybę klientams sutaupyti: pasiūlyti produktus mažiausiomis kainomis …, teikti įvairias nemokamas paslaugas bei gerinti aptarnavimo kokybę. Parinkta rinka pagrįsta strateginė alternatyva, tačiau …
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recommendations that help to achieve five-year strategy are made to enable the company to secure its stability in the market. …Magistrinio darbo tikslas – suprojektuoti įmonės “Personalo valdymo projektai” 5 metų veiklos strategiją: atsižvelgiant … į dabartinę įmonės veiklą (siūlomas paslaugas, konkurentus, rinką), pateikti projektinius strateginius sprendimus, kurie …
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turėti strategiją kaip tai bus pasiekta. Strateginis planavimas yra puikus būdas organizacijai pasiekti veiklos tikslingumo … and proper strategy for the company. The paper will represent and analyze company‘s external and internal environment, as … consists of three main parts. In the first part the theoretical analysis of strategy formulation and planning is presented …
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It is essential for an organisation which functions in Lithuania but sells its production on the international market … covers the aspects of the concept of strategy and the strategic management, presents major schools and methodologies of … strategy formation and describes the types and alternatives of strategies and their evaluation. The analytical part of the …
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Jeronimas Krupavicius agricultural school strategy. This work consists of three main parts: the theoretical, analytical and … their assessment, the strategic plan implementation and management, strategy evaluation. The activity analysis of … Krupavicius agricultural school strategy, there is formed the organization vision, mission, objectives, evaluation of strategic …
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