Showing 1 - 10 of 31
This paper presents a survey on panel data methods in which Iemphasize new developments. Inparticular, linear multilevel models with a new variant are discussed. Furthermore, non-linear, nonparametric and semiparametric models are analyzed. In contrast to linear models there do not exist unified...
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This paper presents a survey on recent developments in estimation methods, instrumental variables approaches, panel data models, non- and semiparametric models for micro data. Additionally, some tests in these areas are considered. Special attention is paid to problems with weak instruments,...
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In this paper, we derive a semiparametric estimation procedure for the sample selection model when some covariates are endogenous. Our approach is to augment the main equation of interest with a control function which accounts for sample selectivity as well as endogeneity of covariates. In...
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We provide a semiparametric copula approach for estimating a "classical" sample selection model. We impose that the joint distribution function of unobservables can be characterized by a specifc copula, but the marginal distribution functions are estimated semiparametrically. In contrast to...
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In this paper we provide semiparametric estimation strategies for a sample selection model with a binary dependent variable. To the best of our knowledge, this has not been done before. We propose a control function approach based on two di erent identifying assumptions. This gives rise to...
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In this paper, we revisit the Mulligan and Rubinstein (2008: Selection, investment and women's relative wages over time. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123(3):1061-1110) analysis about the composition of the female workforce in the United States. Using a Heckman selection model, these...
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This paper discusses the existence of spurious long memory in common nonlinear time series models, namely Markov switching and threshold models. We describe the asymptotic behavior of the process in terms of autocovariance and autocorrelation function and support the theoretical evidences by...
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This paper proposes simple Hausman-type tests to check for bias in the log-periodogram regression of a time series believed to be long memory. The statistics are asymptotically standard normal on the null hypothesis that no bias is present, and the tests are consistent. The use of the tests in...
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We consider the detection of a change in persistence of a long range dependent time series. The usual approach is to use one-shot tests to detect a change in persistence a posteriori in a historical data set. However, as breaks can occur at any given time and data arrives steadily it is...
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Linearity testing against smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) models when deterministic trends are potentially present in the data is considered in this paper. As opposed to recently reported results in Zhang (2012), we show that linearity tests against STAR models lead to useful results in...
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