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The paper explores the determinants of, and the relationship between ethnic culture retention and host society culture adoption among Turkish immigrants in Germany, France, and the Netherlands, using original survey data. To maximize cross-national comparability, we focus on immigrants from two...
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The Six Country Immigrant Integration Comparative Survey (SCIICS) is a large-scale telephone survey conducted in 2008. The aim was to collect comparable data across European countries (the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria and Sweden) with different integration policies as well as...
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[Introduction] In the controversies over immigration and Islam in the early 21st century, Muslims have widely become associated with religious fundamentalism. Others have argued that religiously fundamentalist attitudes characterize only a small minority of Muslims living in the West, and can be...
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Ethnic diversity is typically measured by the well-known Hirschman-Herfindahl Index. This paper discusses the merits of an alternative approach, which is in our view better suited to tease out why and how ethnic diversity matters. The approach consists of two elements. First, all existing...
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Whether the possibilities for new forms of political communication that are offered by the Internet have positive or negative impacts on the constitution of democratic and transnational public spheres is a controversial debate that so far involves much speculation. This paper investigates how...
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In this paper, we develop a systematic approach to Europeanisation of the public sphere, distinguishing three forms of Europeanisation of public political communication: supranationally, vertically and horizontally. These forms materialise through communicative linkages between political actors...
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Das Bild ethnischer Minderheiten in Deutschland beruht vornehmlich auf der medialen Darstellung, der politischen Perzeption und der sozialstatistischen Erfassung von „Ausländern“. Dabei sind Ausländer im formellen Sinne spätestens seit der verstärkten Zuwanderung „volksdeutscher“...
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The question addressed in this paper is how to explain the dramatic rise of Pim Fortuyn's right-wing populist party during the campaign for the parliamentary elections in the Netherlands in 2002. Fortuyn succeeded in attracting by far the most media attention of all political actors and his new...
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Zum Zusammenhang zwischen ethnischer Heterogenität, Sozialkapital (Vertrauen, freiwilliges Engagement, Mitgliedschaft in Organisationen und Vereinen etc.) und der Bereitstellungöffentlicher Güter lassen sich aus bislang vorliegenden Studien keine eindeutigen Befunde ableiten. Dies gilt...
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This paper investigates how integration policies and welfare state regimes have affected the socio-economic integration of immigrants, focusing on eight European countries: Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, and Belgium. It presents comparative...
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