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global climate policy and neutrality of the supporting institutions is critical for such cooperation to succeed. Difficulties …
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global climate policy and neutrality of the supporting institutions is critical for such cooperation to succeed. Difficulties …
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In Madagascar, donors have traditionally counted for almost half of the government's budget and have been, by far, the main source of funding in social sectors. Since the beginning of the crisis, official aid toward education, health, and social protection surged, reaching almost US
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Much of the world's built environment is found in urban areas, and cities are thought to be responsible for up to 70 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and up to 80 percent of primary energy demand. Most of the energy consumed in the world fuels urban industry, powers urban homes...
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Urbanization and climate change will define much of the 21st century. Urbanization leads to improvement in standards of living, and through the increased density and service delivery efficiency of cities, higher growth can be achieved with lower greenhouse gas emissions. Cities and urban...
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Carbon finance recognizes the contribution of projects to mitigating climate change. To be able to access carbon finance, projects can certify their emission reductions under a variety of standards, one of which is the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the United Nations Framework Convention...
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This study seeks to identify potential sources of co-financing to meet the additional costs of energy efficiency (EE) and climate mitigation benefits associated with the hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) phase-out supported by the Multilateral fund of the montreal protocol (MLF). As it stands, the...
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