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The main objective of this report is to present the Government of Chile with policy options related to the institutional distribution of roles and responsibilities for effective quality assurance in education. Following the introduction, the report is structured as follows. Chapter II presents...
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The study sought to assist governments in introducing school-focused programming into reforms of primary education. The included: (i) an assessment of how well 26 World Bank-assisted project designs for primary education met criteria for educational effectiveness; (ii) the preparation of a...
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The paper is part of a program to provide support to a major recommendation in the Philippine Review of Standards and Codes on Accounting and Auditing (ROSC-A&A). The ROSC-A&A brought out that there were major improvements in the accounting and auditing scene since the last assessment made in...
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Bulgaria has undertaken several significant health sector reforms during the past decade, but a large unfinished policy agenda remains. Compared to other EU countries, the share of out-of-pocket spending is significantly higher in Bulgaria, while government spending on health is relatively low....
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This publication presents a protocol to be used when implementing the Quality, Relevance and Comprehensiveness of Impact Mitigation Services (QIMS) Survey in Swaziland. It also serves as a supervision tool for the National Emergency Council on HIV and AIDS (NERCHA) to oversee implementation of...
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The certification program aimed to certify all teachers by 2015. The program was rolled out at a rate of approximately 200,000 teachers each year. This report evaluates the certification program as it was implemented, in terms of its impact on student-learning outcomes. Results of the analysis...
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This report seeks to inform the process of design and implementation of institutional reforms related to the development of a new education quality assurance system in Chile. The report is a synthesis report that draws on previous work by The World Bank in the context of a two-year program of...
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The Central America region is a small market. The region contains around 43 million inhabitants (0.6 percent of total world population) who generate around 0.25 percent of the world's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). While the region has successfully embarked on a regional integration agenda and...
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The purpose of this report is to gain an understanding of the regulatory environment for auditors in a jurisdiction and the extent of quality assurance and oversight that takes place. In the Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) Accounting and Auditing (A&A) diagnostic...
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The Air Quality Management (AQM) system in Tajikistan needs strengthening in its key policy and institutional as well as technical aspects to reduce health impacts of air pollution in the most polluted airsheds (Dushanbe and other urban centers). The World Bank's first engagement to strengthen...
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