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Indonesia, like many middle income countries, has difficulty providing universal access to education and adequate … communities. In both cases, the transfers were designed to encourage families to meet basic health and education indicators … meeting the previous year's health and education targets. In this way, the program takes aspects of conditional cash transfer …
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School health and nutirion programs can contribue to achieving the goals of the Education for All initiative (EFA) by … helping children enroll on time, complete their education, and realize their cognitive potential. Achieving these goals …
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the health and education Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Central Asia. The framework focuses on the service … groups. The framework is illustrated with case studies on health and education in the Kyrgyz Republic. As the cases studies … do not aim to present new analysis of the technical issues in the health and education sectors in the Kyrgyz Republic …
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the health and education Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Central Asia. The framework focuses on the service … groups. The framework is illustrated with case studies on health and education in the Kyrgyz Republic. As the cases studies … do not aim to present new analysis of the technical issues in the health and education sectors in the Kyrgyz Republic …
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sector, which encompasses both health and education. The World Bank's Human Development sector work covers almost the entire … human life cycle, from maternal and neo-natal health, health insurance, early childhood education, school health and … nutrition, basic education, to teacher reform, secondary education and youth skills, higher education, medical and health …
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entrepreneurship. The note provides a broad picture of gender disparities in Kosovo in education, health, and access to economic … gender diagnostic. Men and women in Kosovo have lower education levels than men and women in the European Union (EU). Women … follows: section one highlights gender differences in human capital focusing on education and health outcomes; section two …
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continuing into higher education: is it worse than students from more advantaged backgrounds?; and, is vocational training a … desirable alternative to general higher education, in terms of improving labor market performance? State specific data on …. This study provides more recent data on the labor market performance of new entrants with secondary education, and the …
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The study seeks to define a set of operationally relevant education indicators, to be used by countries in the … Caribbean region, to provide a database of comparable education indicators in Caribbean countries where data is available … education sectors. Following the introduction under Section I, which addresses the current deficiencies in the Caribbean …
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efforts to broaden access to education, and enhance the quality of services. On the international stage, the education sector … context presents clear challenges for education managers. The purpose of this report is to provide a factual basis for … discussion. Noteworthy, are the efforts to reduce grade repletion in primary education; and, similarly, reforms in higher …
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