Showing 1 - 10 of 147
In this paper the standard Euler equation investment model with imperfectly competitive product markets is extended for imperfectly competitive structures on the factor markets: labour markets and markets for investment goods. This extension leads to two additional explanatory variables in the...
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The effect of innovations on employment at the firm level is theoretically ambiguous. The present paper analyses this relationship using panel data on German start-up firms as well as German patent data. It employs different indicators of patenting activity. By applying fixed-effects and...
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There are noticeable differences between the roles that various forms of credit financing play in family businesses and in other businesses. Family businesses take out more often bank loans specifically to finance investments and innovations, and they particularly often resort to the short-term...
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This paper investigates why financial market experts misperceive the interest rate policy of the European Central Bank (ECB). Assuming a Taylor-rule-type reaction function of the ECB, we use qualitative survey data on expectations about the future interest rate, inflation, and output to discover...
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This paper incorporates the cost of adjustment between observed and optimal leverage in explaining the variation in firm?s equity or bank-debt financing investments. Using a dynamic adjustment approach identifies the determinants to capital structure between different financial systems. In...
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This paper examines how capital is determined by German banks. We analyse whether the determinants found in the previous empirical literature hold for the special German banking sector with its three characteristic banking groups of savings banks, cooperative banks and other banks. On the basis...
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This paper analyzes the medium-term growth performance of firms that exclusively received start-up assistance from programs administered by the Deutsche Ausgleichsbank (DtA), a state owned bank, within two years after startup. I apply a parametric selection approach that controls for two...
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This study applies a full information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimator of the sample selection model with bivariate selection rule for the investigation of the impact of subsidised firm foundation from unemployment on employment growth of the firm. The empirical analysis is based on the ZEW...
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This empirical analysis deals with the determinants of growth and the explanation of variations in the growth between innovative and non-innovative start-ups. Based on theoretical models explaining the growth of firms, hypotheses on potential determinants are formulated. The regression results...
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Die Ergebnisse der multivariaten Analysen zur Beschäftigungsdynamik und dem Wachstumspotential junger innovativer Unternehmen lassen erkennen, daß junge innovative Unternehmen signifikant höhere Wachstumsraten erzielen als junge Unternehmen mit traditionellen Produkten. Die Abschätzung der...
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