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This paper examines empirically the relationship between innovation and market structure within a simultaneous … concentration. In contrast, competition enforces innovation, i.e. sales concentration has a negative impact on R&D. …
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I derive and estimate a model for cover price setting in print media markets where actors are faced by two interrelated demand curves: the demand for the print medium and the demand for advertising space. Publicly available data on German women?s magazines observed between 1998 and 2001 are used...
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The determinants of transitions between different states of financial distress are analyzed using two versions of Markov chain models: a multinomial logit model without random effects and a multinomial logit model capturing such unobservable factors. The empirical analysis is based on a panel...
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This paper investigates the short-term costs and benefits of apprenticeship training in Germany. It calls into question the popular stylised fact that apprenticeship training always leads to net costs during the apprenticeship period. We analyse the impact of the proportion of different...
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This paper uses Granger non{causality tests to analyze if channel competition exists between the companion websites of 93 German newspapers observed between I/1998 and II/2005. It provides econometric evidence for significant negative effects of companion website tra?c on the print circulation...
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Using different regional data sources for East Germany the three largest active labour market policy (ALMP) programmes – job creation schemes (JCS), structural adjustment schemes (SAS) and public training (PT) – are evaluated. After addressing the regional allocation rule of the funding of...
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We analyze the relationship between website visits, magazine demand and the demand for advertising pages using Granger non-causality tests on the ba- sis of an extensive and externally audited quarterly data set for the German magazine market spanning the period I/1998 to II/2004. We use...
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The paper analyses the impact of venture capital finance on growth and innovation activities of young German firms …
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Der Beitrag untersucht die Verbreitung von Tarifverträgen in Dienstleistungsunternehmen sowie deren Wirkungen auf die Beschäftigungspolitik im Falle von Nachfrageschwankungen. Der empirische Teil basiert auf der ZEW/Creditreform Konjunkturumfrage bei unternehmensnahen...
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In the paper we analyze the convergence process of the West German Laender from 1970 to 1995 using descriptive tools as well as panel estimation methods. Although there have been some winners in this process, the main finding is that convergence was insufficient in the sense that no gains have...
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