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Sunk costs of entry create a wedge between the real exchange rate for which a foreign exporter enters the domestic market, and that for which he exits. On the macroeconomic level, heterogeneous cost structures make the number of entry and exit thresholds approach a continuum: any movement of the...
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We examine the link between the net foreign asset position, the trade balance and the real exchange rate. In particular, we decompose the impact of a country's net foreign asset position ('external wealth') on its long-run real exchange rate into two mechanisms: the relation between external...
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We explore the role of financial openness - capital account openness and gross capital inflows - and a newly constructed gravity-based contagion index to assess the importance of these factors in the run-up to currency crises. Using a quarterly data set of 46 advanced and emerging market...
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The volatility of unanticipated output growth in income per capita is detrimental to long-run development, controlling for initial income per capita, population growth, human capital, investment, openness and natural resource dependence. This effect is significant and robust over a wide range of...
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This paper studies the implications of globalisation for the effectiveness of monetary policy in large open economies, such as the euro area and the United States. The analysis allows for imperfect competition and an endogenous home bias in consumption. I find that globalisation (a reduction in...
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Dutch media often pay a lot of attention to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). They are considered to be the engine of the Dutch job industry and therefore deserve our attention. In this study we highlight the role the Dutch SMEs play in the Dutch economy. This study's first objective is...
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We study price level convergence within the US and EMU, using panel estimates of regional Phillips curves of the hybrid New-Keynesian type. The estimated half lives of deviations from trend PPP are around three years for US regions and two years for euro area countries. The start of EMU had no...
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This paper studies the impact of explicit deposit insurance on market discipline in a framework that resembles a natural experiment. We improve upon previous studies by exploiting a unique combination of country-specific circumstances, design features, and data availability that allows us to...
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This paper examines the interaction of real exchange rates and current account movements in open economies subject to monopolistic competition with sticky price-setting behavior and distortionary taxes. We find that the correlations between fiscal balances and the current account depend on the...
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A disadvantage of EMU is the lack of national monetary policy to absorb country-specific shocks. The seriousness of this depends on the availability of alternative adjustment mechanisms, as well as on the asymmetry of the demand and supply shocks within EMU. The aim of this paper is to analyse...
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