Showing 1 - 10 of 34
This study was prepared by Martin Schlotter while he was working with the Ifo Institute for Economic Research. It was completed in June 2011 and accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Department of Econcomics at the University of Munich in November 2011. It addresses the effects of different early...
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This volume was prepared by Marc Piopiunik while he has been working at the Ifo Institute. It was completed in June 2011 and accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Department of Economics at the University of Munich. It includes four self-contained empirical studies. All studies aim at...
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We study the effect of preschool attendance on secondary school track choice in Germany which is a crucial outcome that largely predicts educational pathways of children. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, multivariate models show a significant positive association between years of...
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Dieser Artikel präsentiert Ergebnisse mehrerer international vergleichender und deutschermikroökonometrischer Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang zwischen frühkindlicher Bildungund späteren kognitiven und nicht-kognitiven Fähigkeiten anhand der TIMSS-, PISA-,IGLU- und...
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We estimate the effect of age at preschool entrance on crucial noncognitive skills in theyear before school starts. Using an instrumental variable approach and exploiting cut-offdates for the time at preschool entrance we find that children entering preschool earlierin life have better...
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Im vorliegenden Gutachten werden auf Grundlage der Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum Sportwettenmarkt vom 28. März 2006 vier Szenarien erstellt, in denen beschrieben wird, wie sich der deutsche Sportwettmarkt bis zum Jahr 2010 unter unterschiedlichen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen...
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This volume was prepared by Susanne Link during her stay at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and the Department of Human Capital and Innovation of the Ifo Institute of Economic Research. It was accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Economics Departure of the University of Munich in...
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This paper evaluates a school reform in Bavaria that moved the timing of tracking in low- and middle-track schools from grade 6 to grade 4; students in high-track schools were not affected. To eliminate state specific and school-type-specific shocks, I estimate a triple-differences model using...
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To obtain reliable estimates of the effects of single-sex education, I exploit the random assignment of students to single-sex and coeducational schools in South Korea. The results suggest that single-sex schooling is beneficial for girls in math, but has no effects for boys. Moreover,...
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Gutachten im Auftrag der Sächsischen Staatskanzlei. <br>Bildung ist eine der zentralen föderalen Aufgaben in Deutschland. So können die Bundesländer die Bildungspolitik weitgehend alleine gestalten, müssen allerdings auch die Ausgaben dafür tragen. Die Bildungsausgaben stellen einen der...
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