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Many countries simultaneously suffer from high rates of inflation, low growth rates of per capita income and poorly developed financial sectors. In this paper, we integrate a microfounded model of money and finance into a model of endogenous growth to examine the effects of inflation and...
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In this paper, we develop a general stochastic model of directed search on the job. Like in the analogous models of random search on the job, the state of the economy in our model includes the infinite-dimensional distribution of workers across different employment states (unemployment, and...
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In this paper, we construct a tractable search model of money with a non-degenerate distribution of money holdings. We model search as a directed process in the sense that buyers know the terms of trade before visiting particular sellers, as opposed to undirected search that has dominated the...
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around the Volcker disinflation. The subsequent decline in persistence is due to both a more aggressive monetary policy regime and less volatile shocks.
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This paper develops the collective marriage matching model, a behavioral and empirically flexible framework that incorporates both marriage matching and intrahousehold allocations. The model shows how marriage market equilibrium and bargaining power within the family are simultaneously...
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We examine the distribution of hours of work across industrial sectors in OECD countries. We find large disparities when sectors are disaggregated into those that produce goods (a) with no home substitutes, (b) in health and social care, or (c) with close home substitutes. We attribute the...
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We study a dynamic model of pre-trial negotiations in which a privately-informed defendant bargains over a possible settlement offer with a plaintiff. We characterize the unique equlibrium limit of a sequence of games as the plaintiff can make more and more frequent offers and discuss under what...
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Many, but not all, of these results are consistent with the predictions of the simple sticky-price models that we present. We discuss modifications to the benchmark flexible- and sticky-price models that might bring the model predictions closer to the data.
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This paper uses the political economy model of Battaglini and Coate (2008) to analyze the impact of a balanced budget rule that requires that legislators do not run deficits. It considers both a strict rule which cannot be circumvented and a rule that can be overridden by a super-majority of...
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In previous work (Kee and Krishna (2008), "Firm Level Heterogeneous Productivity and Demand Shocks: Evidence from Bangladesh," American Economic Review, 98(2)) we argued that two dimensions of firm heterogeneity (firm specific productivity and firm and market specific demand shocks) were needed...
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