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, shaped configurations of the nascent business in, and culture around, 'music on record'. It will weigh the evolving nature of … colonial imprints on these configurations by scrutinising three sites: the production of music, including the kinds of business …
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explains the methodology followed. Second, the firm’s entry strategy is discussed to highlight how the Japanese view business …
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This volume contains summaries of 12 case studies for three categories of business organisations defined by ownership …, i.e. foreign, state and (local) private. The case studies explore the history and pattern of development of 12 business … groups/companies in Singapore, highlighting specified aspects including: turning points in terms of business growth …
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business constantly grows. It isn’t enough for organizations to offer new more qualitative, accessible and safer products on … influence ethics in the business, eradicating poverty, sustaining the healthy system and protecting the environment. …
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technology awards, in fostering the technological developments of banks. Issues in the area of business-technology alignment that …
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The study has indicated how consumers and farmers benefit from organized retailers. The study has also examined the impact on intermediaries and manufacturers. The results are indicative of the mega-and-mini- metro cities around a limited number of organized retail outlets. Based on the results...
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Household surveys from 13 developing countries are used to describe consumption choices, health and education investments, employment patterns and other features of the of the economic lives of the “middle classes†defined as those whose daily consumption per capita is between $2 and...
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The important determinants that have influence on travellers to choosing a particular airline are analysed. Data from primary and secondary sources have been used for this paper. A field survey was conducted for primary data in which a sample of 45 respondents was interviewed.
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since failure of some of the prominent business organizations like Shell and Enron owing to strong social condemn of some of … their business practices. This paper reviews literature to address this concern by examining and discussing significant …
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For a country like India that contains a large number of Urban Agglomerations (UAs), suburbanisation has drawn little attention of the literature. I focus on this sparsely studied issue in this work. Population, household and employment density gradients for India's UAs, using Mills' two-point...
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