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diffusion processes based on biological analogy, together with the method of its parameters’ identification using real data on … technologies development. In the final sections the applications of that model to describe the real diffusion processes (namely … evolution of structure of the market is suggested. …
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allows us to control for the potential endogeneity of detailing. The results show that our model is able to fit the diffusion …
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productivity, efficiency, and technological deceleration in the nineties. Wider diffusion rather than greater capital use is thus …
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describe the evolution of the distribution curve of firms by efficiency levels. An explicit solution of this equation is …: the "logistic" shape of diffusion curves and the stable form of production capacities distribution by efficiency levels …
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In this paper, we consider the following nonlinear single species diffusive system \begin{eqnarray*} \dot{x}_i(t)&=& x_i(t)\left(b_i(t)-\sum_{k=1}^{l_i}a_{ik}(t)(x_i(t))^{\beta_{ik}}\right)\\ && +\,\sum_{j=1}^{n}D_{ij}(t)(x_j(t)-x_i(t)),\quad (i,j=1,2,\ldots,n), \end{eqnarray*} where bi(t),...
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Many explanations for the sigmoid or S-shaped curves that characterize the diffusion of innovations through time have … underlying social forces that structure diffusion through both space and time. Using historic New England gravestones and their … among consumers can generate both wave-like diffusion patterns through space and lead to the persistence of cultural …
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This paper develops a growth model to provide a theoretical explanation of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). Paper explains how EKC is shaped with economic development for a given technology. The EKC result arises in two ways – it can be observed from a single technology that matures and...
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the publication of the magazines; this is, of a part, the quality, and of other, the diffusion. On the other hand, the …
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betreffend die Messung und Imitation bzw. Diffusion des technischen Fortschritts in der Schweiz zu liefern. Die dabei erzielten … imitationsfähiger Unternehmen, Imitationszeit und Imitationskosten zeigen, dass die Bedingungen für Imitation bzw. Diffusion, zumindest …
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the 1980s, innovation and diffusion of new technologies provide with a greater stimulus to productivity growth, but the …
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