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Labor productivity is measured for each of 4 selected years for each of four components of personal consumption expenditures for food: food purchased for off-premises consumption, purchased meals and beverages, food furnished Government and commercial employees, and food produced and consumed on...
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The changing structure of the food marketing system focuses attention on competitive relationships existing in food industries. Conventional measures of profits, such as profit rates on stockholders' equity and on total assets, often are used to appraise the performance of these industries. This...
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Statisticians studying the demand for farm commodities have long made use of data collected by home economists, particularly those issued by the Institute of Home Economics of the United States Department of Agriculture in reports of research on family dietary levels and economic problems. They...
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Projected growth in population and the general economy suggest larger domestic food requirements in 1980. The major consumption trends of recent years are projected to continue, with per capita consumption rising for beef and poultry but declining for milk. Food use of most crop products may...
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If the entire U.S. population were to select one food pattern among those that meet the American Heart Association recommendations for a fat-controlled, low-cholesterol diet, calorie intake would decline about 13 percent compared with present consumption. The cost would be about a tenth higher,...
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The costs of obtaining a given level of accuracy in estimating yields of tree fruit might be lowered by the use of photographs or supplemental information on fruiting potential. A small-scale experiment of this sort is described for peaches and apples. A procedure for evaluating the relative...
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The ability of insects to develop resistance to specific pesticides affects pesticide demand. However, the affect of resistance on demand cannot be observed or measured. This analysis substitutes an expression for the unobserved resistance variable in a pesticide demand model and then...
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As part of its expanded research program, the Agricultural Estimates Division of AMS is exploring the possibilities of objective forecasts of yield for several crops. This paper summarizes results obtained from the first year's work on soybeans. Although these results must be regarded as...
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This study provides ex ante estimates of the value to society of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's witch� weed program. Program objectives are to contain and eradicate witchweed, a semiparasitic plant which reduces corn and grain sorghum yields. Critical elements which determine the...
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The current situation and prospects for coffee are of widespread interest to American consumers and to those who supply them, and it is of vital interest to the many Latin American countries that depend on coffee as a primary source of foreign exchange earnings. The smaller per capita use of...
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