Showing 81 - 90 of 101
The share-based payment represents, for sure, a challenge for thebusiness world in Romania and will certaintly gain ground. The initialacknowledgement is made in compliance with the rules provided in the GeneralFrame for drawing up and presentation of the financial positions. In case that...
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Quality of accounting reporting system reflects the accomplisheddevelopment stage of the accounting information system and its ability to satisfydifferent external and internal accounting information needs. One of the mostimportant sources of information about the efficiency of any business...
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Through this research, we wish to demonstrate the bond between theflow of know-how and the growth of the economical potential, translated through thelowering of the fixed costs for the innovation process, this being one of the fewsolutions which offer continuous profits to the share holders as...
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The process of reforming accounting has been transposed to the level ofpublic institutions for nearly 3 years. It was an audacious attempt by Cutting out theheavy legacy of the past, limited to income earned and expenses paid. The next stageof reform is sedimentation, decanting, and the...
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Although one may say that the components of financial statements maybe considered autonomous and independent elements, the whole accountingprocessing procedure ends with a set of financial statements that are closelyinterconnected from the information viewpoint. Therefore, the earnings are shown...
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This article aims to investigate the web-based disclosure choices andpractices among Romanian companies listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange. Web-based disclosure offers advantages that are absent in paper-based voluntarydisclosure: it can be accessed globally at much lower costs and it can be...
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The IASB comprehensive income project extends the ‘fair value’ measurement conceptfrom the balance sheet into the income statement. This article extends prior research, primarilybased on Anglo-Saxon countries, by using a comprehensive data set of 56,700 European firm yearsover sixteen...
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Since 2005 European listed companies report their financial figuresbased on IFRSs. This paper investigates whether Hungarian listed companies complywith IFRS disclosure requirements, identifying some factors associated with the levelof compliance. Although the issue of consolidation is not a new...
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We have studied the cash flow reporting issues in Romania, trying to establish if there isan interest in using creative accounting techniques in order to manipulate cash flow reporting.Another issue of our research is focused on the possibility of using hedging opportunities by financialmanagers...
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Our research has as main objective a short review of the aspects approached at theEuropean level regarding the role that creative accounting plays in the life of an enterprise. Inorder to achieve our goal, we have analysed approximately 40 academic articles indexed ininternational database, such...
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