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The paper aims at arguing the importance of development and diversification at serviceslevel, and especially at tourism services level. To this end, the paper approaches the two concepts ofdevelopment and diversification and briefly presents the circumstances claiming for development...
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The paper aims to analyze the specific features of the youth travel product. Amongthese, the most important is the complexity, which is determined by the four qualitative aspects:wide accessibility, safety and security, flexibility and quality. Another goal of this article is toresearch the main...
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The tourism market is a market with a specific purpose; young people, as tourists,don’t seek to purchase and consume regular, common and generalized products at the level of theentire population, but seek to find satisfactions induced by the actions within this activity sector. Toensure not...
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Competitiveness has become one of the common concepts employed in the recent yearsto approach and describe the sustainable development of the travel and tourism industry. Culturalheritage and natural resources represent two significant pillars of the tourism’s sustainabledevelopment: that is...
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Achieving an integrated cultural and historic tourism offer is the main direction of thetourism development strategy for the Alba Iulia Fortress. The practice of implementing any strategyshows us that during this process a series of complementary or even antithetic projects and visions...
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In the recent years, competitiveness has become one of the common conceptsemployed to approach and describe the sustainable development of the travel and tourism industry.Competitiveness of the travel and tourism industry, like of the tourist destinations, is defined takinginto consideration a...
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Tourism is an activity carried on by individuals, which is usually enjoyed, and tobetter understand this economic phenomenon we must understand the person’s behaviour – thepsychology of tourists and of those who could become tourists. Knowing how individuals makedecisions and how they...
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The mutations that are currently manifesting in the global economy areinfluencing in a positive manner the development of youth travel, and the main quantitativeand qualitative directions that are being shaped internationally and in Europe are alsoleaving a mark on the evolution tourism for...
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The major subjects of our paper are focus on the following subjects: thesupervision of the structural funds with reference to the money put at Romania’sdisposal for the development of tourism; the analysis of competitiveness in tourismthrough the 8 parameters presented; the analysis of the...
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In the context of globalization, some countries try to apply in tourism, theinternational management standards. The aim of this paper is to realise an analysis of themode in which these desiderata are satisfied, to present the forte and the week points ofthe management policies applied in...
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