Showing 1 - 10 of 116
There is the possibility that the information on which basis the informational risk hasbeen identified and evaluated, not to be correct and impicitly the financial statements not to be inconformity with the represented reality, affecting in this way the objective of the ‘trustworthyimage‘....
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This study aims to explore some particularities concerning the Romanian auditedentities which are oriented mainly towards contracting audit services from the largest companiesproviding auditing services (Big 4 companies). The assessment criteria taken into consideration forthe differentiation of...
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Determination of materiality is a crucial step in an audit mission because it affects theentire audit process. The incorrect application of materiality can have serious negativerepercussions on both the audited entity and the auditor (Enron-Anderson). Researches conductedover time revealed the...
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current state of consolidated reporting practiceharmonization concerning the extant methods for evaluating and reporting goodwill in the consolidatedfinancial statements of Romanian groups. In order to attain our purpose we selected financial and...
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Although one may say that the components of financial statements maybe considered autonomous and independent elements, the whole accountingprocessing procedure ends with a set of financial statements that are closelyinterconnected from the information viewpoint. Therefore, the earnings are shown...
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The purpose of the present investigation is to provide a short overview of themain implications arising from carrying related parties transactions: accounting reporting(related party disclosures - IAS 24), auditing (audit procedures for related partytransactions), taxation (issues regarding the...
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In granting a credit the bank must be informed correctly about the client's financialsituation and the possibility of the existence of specific links between contractors and associatedcompanies of the group, thus lending decision must make a decision based on knowledge and risktaking by the bank...
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A meta-analysis was conducted over the last 5 years comprising traditionally top 5leading accounting research. The paper overviews emerging research and identify both frameworkpapers that attracted significant attention and leading scholars in the field. The earningsmanagement area exhibits...
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The major subjects of our paper are focus on the following subjects: thesupervision of the structural funds with reference to the money put at Romania’sdisposal for the development of tourism; the analysis of competitiveness in tourismthrough the 8 parameters presented; the analysis of the...
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We have studied the cash flow reporting issues in Romania, trying to establish if there isan interest in using creative accounting techniques in order to manipulate cash flow reporting.Another issue of our research is focused on the possibility of using hedging opportunities by financialmanagers...
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