Showing 1 - 10 of 146
U.S. courts are increasingly faced with resolving a fundamental conflict between the liberal scope of U.S. discovery and sovereign promises that certain information or evidence would remain confidential. Samuel R. Miller, Kristina Nordlander, & James C. Owens, Sidley Austin
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Screens can rationally determine critical points in a possible cartel, including the duration, breadth, and success of a conspiracy...Donald C. Klawiter (Sheppard Mullin)
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As experience has proved, screens have flagged unusual patterns in a variety of countries and industries, and helped in the detection of cartels. Carlos Mena-Labarthe (Mexican Federal Competition Commission)
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It is not an overstatement to say that the use of screens in the gas retail market was a success. Carlos Emmanuel Joppert Ragazzo (CADE, Brazil)
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We explore, in the context of the Libor, whether screens can move one step further and distinguish illegal (explicit) from legal (tacit) collusion. Rosa Abrantes-Metz (Global Economics Group) & Albert Metz (Moody's Investor Services)
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The regulatory net neutrality cure will certainly be worse than the imagined disease it is meant to treat. Gerald Faulhaber (Wharton, Univ. of Pa.)
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This case law shows that the prize squeeze practices are more likely to be considered abusive and anticompetitive in the European Union (“EUâ€Â) than in the United States. Javier Ruiz-Calzado & Gianni De Stefano (Latham & Watkins)
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Could the banks themselves have used screens to help avoid the current investigations some are now facing? Rosa Abrantes-Metz (AFE Consulting)
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At a time when restructurings are prevalent, we suggest that thought might be given to possible changes to the application of suspensory obligations for debt-for-equity deals. Paolo Palmigiano & Josh Sherer (Lloyds Banking Group)
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Financial institutions need to be aware that they are in the spotlight and make antitrust compliance a priority. Mark Powell & Katarzyna Czapracka (White & Case)
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