Showing 1 - 10 of 105
Better to be the first to detect, the first to report, and the first to benefit from leniency...Rosa Abrantes-Metz (Global Econ. Group, Stern School of Business)
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Once one accepts that two-sided markets are different, one wonders whether competition authorities have, so far, been doing everything wrong. Lapo Filistrucchi, Tilburg Univ. & Univ. of Florence
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Surprisingly, concentrated markets can be welfare-improving when search engines are not able to subsidize (or charge) searchers for their clicking behavior. Renato Gomes, Toulouse School of Economics
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The differences between traditional markets and two-sided markets need to be understood as much by regulators as those operating in the markets.Shanker Singham & Kaushal Sharma, Squire Sanders & Dempsey and Competition Commission of India
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A seeming lack of price competition to one set of consumers may mask competition for another, related set of consumers. Joshua Gans, University of Melbourne
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How can some platforms offer less choice and yet charge more to participate? Hanna Hałaburda & Mikołaj Jan Piskorski, Harvard Business School
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Courts and regulators should recognize the very important contribution that informative comparative advertising makes to competition. David S. Evans (Univ. of Chicago) & Elisa Mariscal (CIDE & ITAM)
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Once one accepts that two-sided markets are different, one wonders whether competition authorities have, so far, been doing everything wrong. Lapo Filistrucchi, Tilburg Univ. & Univ. of Florence
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The methods recognized by U.S. courts and the European Commission underlying the procedural and quantitative tools and techniques for quantifying antitrust damages have more similarities than differences. Claire M. Korenblit (Sidley Austin)
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The Supreme Court’s decision sets relatively clear limits on aspects of class certification that had become indistinct and thus improperly permissive. Donald M. Falk, Archis A. Parasharami, & Marcia E. Goodman (Mayer Brown)
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