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Subordination of business to political influence has remains pervasive in China. We construct a Schumpeterian-type model of growth with managerial time allocation between productive activities and building up political connections. The model predicts the impact of different patterns of state...
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We analyze the extent of the integrated control of the state over privatized firms during the post-privatization decade … bureaucracy are the most likely reasons behind our findings. -- state ownership ; control ; corporate performance ; privatization …
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larger reform package of economic liberalisation in formerly overregulated economies, (b) as a reaction to an increasing …
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This paper examines the progress of state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform in the People's Republic of China. After … defining SOEs and considering their scope of operation within the PRC economy, the focus of the paper is on the major reform … industry-specific SOE reform trends as well as the latest reform developments. Until today, a stable, successful, longterm …
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We assess the influence of moneyed interests on legislative decisions. Our theory predicts that the vote outcome distribution and donation flows in a legislature feature a discontinuity at the approval threshold of bills if special interest groups are involved in vote buying. Testing the...
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We distinguish between ideational and interest-based appeals to voters on the supply side of politics, and integrate the Keynes-Hayek perspective on the importance of ideas with the Stigler-Becker approach emphasizing vested interests. In our model, political entrepreneurs discover identity and...
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in US states may indeed reduce corruption levels among elected representatives. -- bicameralism ; corruption ; lobbying …
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