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and consumption go down as well. Governments can offset terror by putting tax revenues into the production of security …, at the level of the death toll by about the same size as due to car accidents, is expected to decrease annual consumption …
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The Fair Labour Standards Act (FLSA), impose restriction on working hours and the type of jobs held by minors at ages … wages for part-time and full-time employment that depend also on some inherent skill ‘endowment’ and labour market … the labour market (hours worked) and their known (to them) ability and motivation. The labour market (randomly) offers …
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In this paper, we analyse an equilibrium search model with three sources for wage and unemployment differentials among … and unemployment differentials is possible. We show that the structural parameters of the model, including the firm …’s disutility from certain workers, are identifiable using standard labour market survey data. We demonstrate identification using …
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training: the expected wage. Training might have no direct effect on wage, however, but it affects employment probability in … higher paid jobs nevertheless. In order to measure the return to government provided training, and overcome the above … reservations, we formulate an estimable stochastic dynamic discrete choice model of training and employment. Given the estimated …
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the observed patterns of the fast decrease in unemployment as immigrants first find blue-collar jobs and attend training …This Paper analyses the labour mobility and human capital accumulation of male immigrants who moved from the former … Soviet Union to Israel. We formulate an estimable dynamic choice model for employment and training in blue and white …
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