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stock returns, we show that no single forecasting approach dominates uniformly. However, forecast combination and shrinkage …
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This paper proposes a novel regularisation method for the estimation of large covariance matrices, which makes use of … multiple testing (MT) estimator to a number of thresholding and shrinkage estimators in the literature in a detailed Monte … the inverse covariance matrix is of interest then we recommend a shrinkage version of the MT estimator that ensures …
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This paper considers the problem of identification, estimation and inference in the case of spatial panel data models … errors. A quasi maximum likelihood (QML) estimation procedure is developed and the conditions for identification of spatial …
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In this paper we focus on estimating the degree of cross-sectional dependence in the error terms of a classical panel data regression model. For this purpose we propose an estimator of the exponent of cross-sectional dependence denoted by α; which is based on the number of non-zero pair-wise...
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Pesaran (2015) and demonstrates that the extension to the estimation of dynamic quantile regression models is feasible under … the time series dimension of the panel is large. We present an application to the evaluation of Time-of-Use pricing using …
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An important issue in the analysis of cross-sectional dependence which has received renewed interest in the past few years is the need for a better understanding of the extent and nature of such cross dependencies. In this paper we focus on measures of cross-sectional dependence and how such...
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policy change affects the model's parameters and where it does not. It is argued that for ex post policy evaluation it is … solved out for the policy evaluation exercise. An ex post policy ineffectiveness test statistic is proposed. The analysis is … applied to the evaluation of the effects of the quantitative easing (QE) in the UK after March 2009. It is estimated that a …
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