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Statistics Finland. We analyze emigration events lasting at least five years and decompose migrant self-selection into education … positively self-selected in terms of education and earnings. We also find strong evidence of sorting: men who emigrate outside …
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This study replicates and challenges the finding of zero wage returns to compulsory schooling in Germany by Pischke and von Wachter (Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(3), 592-598), which is unusual in the literature yet widely cited and until now uncontradicted. I document that this finding...
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This paper estimates the effect of graduating from college on lifetime earnings. Motivated by the fact that nearly half of all college students fail to earn a bachelor's degree, we study a model of risky college completion. The central idea is that students drop out of college mainly because...
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Existing estimates of the labor-market returns to human capital give a distorted picture of the role of skills across different economies. International comparisons of earnings analyses rely almost exclusively on school attainment measures of human capital, and evidence incorporating direct...
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This paper studies the impact of exam luck on individuals’ education and labor market success. We leverage unique … features of the Norwegian education system that produce random variation in the content of the exams taken by students at the … those generated by well-known education inputs, such as parental education and teacher quality. …
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This paper explores students' expectations about the returns to completing higher education and provides first evidence … stages of higher education. Our findings indicate substantial perceived returns to higher education. Moreover, using within …-enhancing (human capital) returns seem to be less pronounced. Over the expected course of career, we find lasting education premia as …
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For-profit providers are becoming an increasingly important fixture of US higher education markets. Students who attend … point to low returns to for-profit enrollment that have important implications for public investments in higher education as …
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We study the choice of acquiring STEM and non-STEM college education using variation induced by the proximity to … all Italian universities and faculties. We find that most compliers are women at the margin of choosing STEM education … versus not going to college. We simulate the effects of expanding the supply of STEM education and discover that, in addition …
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Expanded international data from the PIAAC survey of adult skills allow us to analyze potential sources of the cross-country variation of comparably estimated labor-market returns to skills in a more diverse set of 32 countries. Returns to skills are systematically larger in countries that have...
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threshold, to estimate causal returns to college education quality. I use a newly constructed dataset, which combines individual …
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