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In many analyses of the Chinese so-called economic miracle, cultural factors loom large. Thispaper offers a brief overview of recent economic approaches to culture and puts these into ananalytical framework that highlights the dynamic and creative aspects of culture. I argue thatChina is a model...
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In his comprehensive critique of current economic approaches to social capital, Durlauf(2002) recommends a stronger reliance on methods of experimental economics and socialpsychology. This paper surveys different notions of social capital and submits an alternativeconceptual approach based on...
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Economics is increasingly adopting the methodological standards and procedures of the naturalsciences. The paper analyzes this ‘naturalistic turn’ from the philosophical perspective onnaturalism, and I discuss the implications for the field of finance. The theory of finance is aninteresting...
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Monetary policies of the ECB and US Fed can be characterised by “Taylor rules”, that is bothcentral banks seem to be setting rates by taking into account the “output gap” and inflation.We also set up and tested Taylor rules which incorporate money growth and the euro-dollarexchange rate,...
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The aim of this note is to provide an overview of various measures of “excess liquidity”,which can be defined as the deviation of the actual stock of money from an estimated equilibriumlevel. Given their dynamic nature, the excess liquidity measures under review are - in thelight of long and...
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One major outcome of the review of the ECB’s “two pillar monetary policy strategy”, whichwas published on 8 May 2003, has been the de facto downgrading of the hitherto prominentrole assigned to the stock of money. According to the authors’ judgement, however, there is astrong theoretical...
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This paper tackles the issue of the incompleteness of information available to thecentral bank when taking its monetary policy decisions. It is focused on euro areadata and based on the simplistic assumption of the central bank following a simplemonetary policy rule à-la-Taylor. Along the lines...
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The rate of growth in bank loans to private households and firms in Germany hasdeclined substantially since early 2000 and currently stands at virtually zero. In thisarticle, we analyse whether cyclical factors (“demand-side driven”) or banks’ unwillingnessand/or inability to lend...
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