Showing 1 - 10 of 12
composition of income (share of interest and commission revenue), and to a general indicator of bank efficiency such as the cost … variability in the price of bank stocks whenbanks hold riskier assets and economic conditions are poor. …
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"), following endorsement by G10 bank supervisors. The Accord replaces the original accord agreed in July 1988 and implemented by …
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The objective of this study is to empirically examine the status and sustainability ofAustralia, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore as financial centers in theAsia-Pacific region. The sample period under investigation is from 1977 to 2002. This paper attempts to provide empirical evidence on...
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The proposed risk sensitive minimum requirements of the new Basel capital accord have raised concerns about possible (acceleration of) procyclical behaviour of banking, which might threaten macroeconomic stability. This article analyses the interaction between business cycles and banks over the...
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From the 1980s onwards the banking sectors in all the industrialised countries have been experiencing intense restructuring, aggregation and consolidation, radically changing their ownership structures and geography. Whatever the reasons behind such restructuring processes, the globalisation of...
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financial system, on competition in the market forbanking and financial services, and on the reallocation of bank ownership …
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only refer to the traditional distance between bank and customers, that is the operationaldistance, but also to the …
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According to Mario Tonveronachi, the Basle rules produce distortions that are no less serious than those attributed to the former structural regulation. Excessive competition is no less harmful than low competition, the level playing field approach helps the large dimension and Òtoo big to...
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The paper examines the relationship between banking and securities activities in the light of financial market developments (securitisation, institutionalization of investment, emergence of complex financial instruments, conglomeration and consolidation), with particular reference to Europe. The...
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This paper aims at analysing--from a Post Keynesian approach--the Brazilian bankingbehaviour in the current phase of the business cycle that is at the semi-stagnation state of the economy. According to the Post Keynesian approach, banks are economic agents that have liquidity preference...
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